Immanuel Lutheran Church is hosting Nebraska’s Concordia University’s Wind Symphony on Friday, March 7th, at 7:00 PM. Pease join us for this free concert in the sanctuary!
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Gifts and Offerings
Immanuel Lutheran Church is hosting Nebraska’s Concordia University’s Wind Symphony on Friday, March 7th, at 7:00 PM. Pease join us for this free concert in the sanctuary!
On Wednesday, February 19th, Immanuel Lutheran Church will be hosting a Sanctuary Organ and Piano Recital starting at 12:30 PM. It will feature Dr. Donald Zimmermann on the piano and organ, and Reverend Jonathan Kern as the tenor soloist. Lunch will be provided before the recital.
From 3 to 103 years old, Immanuel has Christian Education for all ages. Sunday school begins at 10:45 AM after the worship service and Christian fellowship. Christian education classes are one hour in length. We encourage everyone to delve into God’s Word so we are always prepared to give an answer why we worship the one, true living God!
Please join us on Wednesdays for Matins/Morning Prayer and Bible study at
10:00 am. This gathering serves a number of purposes:
Please come and worship the one true Triune God! Everyone is welcome including those who are seeking God and seeking a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our Savior!
There are a plethora of sermons and hymns posted to our YouTube channel. Become a subscriber if you want to be notified when new content is posted to the channel. We hope this channel can bolster your relationship with Jesus Christ, our Savior!
Word of Hope offers hope to women and men who suffer the pain of an abortion, women who have been sexually abused, and women faced with an unplanned pregnancy. They offer free and confidential services which include:
– A Telephone hotline: 888.217.8679
– Non-judgmental care after an abortion
– Crisis intervention
– Support groups
– Bible studies
– Spiritual care for individuals
– Pregnancy assistance
– Information for pastors, parents, and teachers
– Teen programs
– Titus 2 Ministry
You can also find Word of Hope on Facebook.
Click on YouTube icon and you’ll go directly to our channel where you can find past sermons and special music. Subscribe to our channel and you’ll be notified when new video clips are posted. Click on the Facebook icon and you’ll go directly to our Facebook page. “Like” us and our posts will show up on your own Facebook home page. Go to “events” and you’ll get up to date information on all the events at Immanuel. Also on Facebook we post the links to sermons and music on YouTube.
Please join us in worship any Sunday morning at 9 a.m. Whether you’re out-of-town just visiting the area, are a seeker, looking for a new church home, or need someone to listen, come join us! We also offer multiple Bible Study classes both on Sundays after worship and throughout the week. We encourage everyone to dive into God’s Word — the answers are there!